Environmentally Sustainable Development
Green Games Watch 2000
Green Games Watch 2000 was a coalition of 5 peak NSW environmental NGOs which monitored the environmental performance of Sydney’s Olympic developments. It was funded by the Olympic Coordination Authority.
- Assessment of Olympic Development Applications against the Environmental Guidelines for the Summer Olympic Games and monitoring of development progress
- Liaison with local communities negatively affected by Olympic developments in order to represent their concerns to the Olympic Coordination Authority (OCA) and to local and state governments, and to assist them with their campaigns
- Monitoring of the Sydney Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (SOCOG’s) performance in the areas of catering, waste management, energy use, and event and venue management
- Representing GGW at OCA, SOCOG, industry and community meetings and environment education days
- Writing of media releases, of ministerial letters lobbying for protection of nature conservation values affected by developments, and of journal articles. How green are our games
- Writing of 1 – GGW 2000 Newsletter about ecologically sustainable development and editing of consultants’ ESD reports before publication
- Presentations to small groups of overseas environmental law students from non-English speaking backgrounds, and Total Environment Centre’s “Greenprint for Sydney – Achieving the Vision” conference
Date: 1998 – 2000
(Projects undertaken while employed as Green Games Watch 2000 Special Projects Officer)